The On Location Education Blog

Who's Who On Set And Stage

Who’s Who on Set & Stage

If you’ve just landed your first professional acting role—congratulations! You’re likely brimming with excitement to get started. But before you walk on set for your first day, it’s important to have all your terms and titles straight. In acting, whether on stage or on a set for a film or television show, there are a lot of important people to know and recognize. In a prior article, we discussed a glossary of helpful terms. In this article, we will breakdown the people you need to know.

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On-Set Etiquette for Young Actors

On-Set Etiquette for Young Actors

If you’re new to professional acting, the rules and expectations on set may at first seem overwhelming. You don’t want to commit a faux pas and upset any castmates, or worse, the director. You will have parents or guardians there to support and encourage you, but it’s important to remember your own role, and the best way to interact with the other professionals on set.

Despite how challenging it may seem, if you focus on a few simple rules regarding behavior, you’ll likely steer clear of any trouble. Keep the following simple rules of thumb in mind, and you’ll be regarded as a professional, even if it’s your first time on set.

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Acting 101: A Glossary of Terms

Acting 101: A Glossary of Terms

If you’re just starting out in professional acting, the learning curve may be steep. The world of entertainment is broad and full of details, many of which you will have to master to perform your job effectively. Whether you are just auditioning or you’ve landed your first role, chances are you’ll come face-to-face with some terminology you don’t quite understand.

We’ve compiled a list of important terms for beginners to understand, so you can hit the ground running in your acting career. While this is not a comprehensive list, it should help you become acclimated to your new surroundings.

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What Special Skills are Casting Directors Seeking?

What Special Skills are Casting Directors Seeking?

In previous article, we’ve discussed the importance of including “special skills” on your acting resume. Sometimes, these skills can be your ticket to standing out to a casting director, especially if you don’t have a lot of professional experience. When a casting director has hundreds of resumes and headshots to review, your special skills can tip the scales and land an audition. But actors should be aware that not all special skills are created equal.

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4 Tips for Making the Most of Your New Year Goals

4 Tips for Making the Most of Your New Year Goals

With the first month of the year come and gone, many people are likely considering (or re-considering) the goals they set at the start of 2019. The beginning of a new year is the time when everyone has grandiose plans, but unfortunately, many of those plans fall through all too quickly. The new year holds new possibilities for young actors, just as it does for everyone else. Auditions, roles, networking, and more—whatever you are striving to achieve this year, there are a few things you should remember if you want your goals to stick.

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3 Tips for Working with Young Performers

3 Tips for Working with Young Performers

Filmmakers are sometimes warned to avoid working with animals or children. Both of these situations offer unique challenges, but that doesn’t mean they don’t also create rewarding experiences too.

Child actors are taking show business by storm, and they often deliver performances as incredible and skilled as any of the top adult actors on the scene. For professionals in the entertainment industry, knowing how to interact effectively with young performers is a must. Here are three key tips to help ensure the child actors on your set feel comfortable and are able to produce their best work.

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Set Life Set Life

What Does a Film Commission Do?

What Does a Film Commission Do?

In the world of show business, you may have come into contact with the concept of film commissions. These entities may seem mysterious, but in reality, they can be found all over the world, and do incredible work to sustain and nurture the acting, film, and video industries in their communities. Globally, there are 300+ film commissions, and they span across more than 40 countries. If you’ve ever considered working with a film commission or are just interested in understanding the work they do for communities and actors, here are the details.

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3 Ways to Strengthen Acting Talents Without Practice or Training

3 Ways to Strengthen Acting Talents Without Practice or Training

Actors of all ages grow in their craft through professional training, steady rehearsals, and practice, but learning and growing can also take place in a more casual way. By exposing themselves to new ideas and habits, young performers can supplement their professional training by developing skills that are not typically learned through traditional training. Acting incorporates many different abilities, and these talents can be developed through countless other avenues, which are often encountered through hobbies and activities in daily life.

Here are three simple activities that young performers can inject into their routines to become better actors that do not involve professional training.

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So, Your Child Wants to Be an Actor

So, Your Child Wants to Be an Actor
Has your child recently expressed an interest in show business? Perhaps he’s been involved in musical theater at her school for a while, or has a knack for storytelling and doing voices, or maybe he’s walked right up to you and said, “I want to be an actor.” Whatever the circumstances, acting, like any creative field, comes with its own challenges and rewards. As parents and guardians, it’s important to be able to weigh the pros and cons of your children’s aspirations to better help them achieve their dreams.

If you aren’t an actor yourself, it is very likely that you will have questions regarding your child’s options, or how to start. There are some important details to clarify before you begin to ensure that you and your child have all the bases covered before jumping into any commitments.

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3 Time Management Tips for Child Actors

3 Time Management Tips for Child Actors

A young actor or actress has a lot on their plate. From filming to auditions to acting lessons and more, throwing schoolwork into the mix may seem nearly insurmountable. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Juggling so many obligations is taxing on any actor, but for child actors who still have to make time for their schooling, it may seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Combining work with studying without proper time management skills can harm an actor’s career and their education. This stress is completely unnecessary and can be conquered with some reflection and careful planning.

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Common Audition Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

4 Common Audition Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Regardless of your experience level, auditions can be nerve-wracking. Everyone makes mistakes, but knowing what to expect and what is expected of you are the keys to making a stellar first impression. Newer actors may struggle with anxiety as they prepare for their first audition and need to be reminded of how to keep their cool and rely on their skills.

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How to Be an Extra

How to Be an Extra

Extras, or background actors as they are also called, are a vital part of film and television, despite often being limited to the sidelines of a scene. The truth is, a lack of extras can completely ruin a scene, since they help to give sets a “real world” feeling. Extras are needed to make places feel populated, busy, and generally normal. Most television shows heavily feature public, densely populated areas—hospitals, schools, restaurants, cafes. Not having extras to fill in those spaces would severely alienate the viewer from believing the story and setting.

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