Voice Health Tips for Actors

Voice Health Tips for Actors 

Not every acting job is a speaking role, but many do involve using your voice in some way. Whether you’ve been hired for a film, voice-over role, or are performing on a stage, your voice will likely play a big part in your performance. Actors of all ages and experience levels need to take time to maintain their skills as well as physical and mental well-being if they want to be successful. 

As a parent, you are in charge on ensuring your child is happy and healthy enough to perform. The following are some important tips and helpful tricks to know to help your child take care of their voice in preparation for their roles.

1. Hydrate.

Drink water as much as you can—eight glasses a day is a good rule of thumb, though another measurement is to drink half your weight in ounces a day. Lukewarm water is best for your throat. Water in general is an important part of our bodies’ usual functions and will keep everything running smoothly.

2. Warm up.

Daily vocal exercises such as warming up and cooling down before and after performances are very important when it comes to maintaining vocal health. Get in contact with a vocal instructor if you will be performing roles with singing. A visit to the ear nose and throat doctor or voice therapist can also clarify any concerns you or your child may have about your voice. Try these vocal exercises to prepare for your next big role!

3. Keep an eye out for symptoms of overuse. 

Beware any of these symptoms: hoarse or raspy throat, achy voice, difficulty speaking, or the need to repeatedly clear your throat. All these are signs that your voice health is suffering, and you may need to rest or seek a doctor’s help to recover. If you persist in performing through these symptoms, you risk doing serious damage to your voice.

4. Be aware of the diet and health choices that impact your voice.

Your voice health is closely linked to the health of the rest of your body. Regular exercise can lead to better breathing, which helps your voice. In the same vein, stay away from secondhand smoke, which can wreak havoc on the vocal cords and lungs. Gargle with salt water to ward off inflammation, and eat foods high in vitamins to maintain the mucus membranes in the throat. 

5. Rest Up!

For a healthy voice that functions easily, rest is absolutely a priority. This means sleep as well as how you treat your voice throughout daily life. Keep yelling, coughing, or clearing your throat to a minimum to prevent irritation. If you are sick and your voice is already hoarse, avoid speaking as much as possible. Learning proper breathing techniques can also support a healthy voice and keep you sounding your best at all times.

Acting is a profession that involves a lot of speaking and use of the voice. If your child is pursuing voice-heavy roles, keep these tips in mind to ensure they are healthy and always ready to put their best foot forward!


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